NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 – Role of the Government in Health

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 – Role of the Government in Health (Social Science), contains solutions to various questions in Exercise for Chapter 2.At the end of the Solutions, all the keywords and Notes which are important to understand Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health Class 7 Civics, have been explained in a simple and easy to understand manner. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science help to check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and application of your knowledge.

Category NCERT Solutions for Class 7
Subject Civics (Social Science)
Chapter Chapter 2 – Role of the Government in Health

Download NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 – Role of the Government in Health

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 – Role of the Government in Health – NCERT Exercises

Question 1:

In this chapter, you have read that health is a wider concept than illness. Look at this quote from the Constitution and explain the terms ‘living standard’ and ‘public health’ in your own words. 

An important aspect of the Constitution says it is the “duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health”.

Answer 1:

‘Living standard’ means the status of one’s living and is about the quality of life the individual enjoys. It relates to one’s quality of housing, material comfort, health, accessibility to clean drinking water, proper sanitation facilities etc. For instance, having access to clean drinking water, adequate and nutritious food, and living in a safe area would lead to a high standard of living, while living in a clumsy and unhygienic area would mean poor living standards.

Public health refers to the state of wellbeing and fitness of the population as a whole and is the primary responsibility of the government. It involves longer  life spans and improved  quality of life. It is studied through indicators like death rate, birth rate, infant mortality rate, etc.

Question 2:

What are the different ways through which the government can take steps to provide healthcare to all? Discuss.

Answer 2:

Being healthy does not only means remaining free from diseases and injuries but also to remain free from mental ailments and in a democratic country, the government should ensure public health as an extremely important issue and take steps to improve it.

Firstly, the government can organize campaigns to spread awareness about the importance of safe drinking water and clean environment for remaining healthy.

Secondly, the government can ensure the easy availability of medicines in all parts of the country especially in the rural areas at reasonable prices.

The government need to make provisions in order for the availability of basic amenities and social conditions along with nourishing food to the society including both urban and rural people.

Fourthly, the government should keep a separate fund for the purpose of public healthcare.

Last but not the least the government should also try and provide people with health education and knowledge about health as it will help them to take the precautions and care during sickness.

Question 3:

What differences do you find between private and public healthcare services in your area? Use the following table to compare and contrast these.

question 3

Answer 3:

answer 3

Question 4:

‘Improvement in water and sanitation can control many diseases’. Explain with the help of examples.

Answer 4:

Health revolves around many factors like clean drinking water and sanitation. Consuming contaminated water can lead to several diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhea etc. Moreover, if this water becomes stagnant, it can lead to uncontrollable breeding of insects and mosquitoes which can give rise to deadly diseases like malaria, dengue etc On the same token, living in unhygienic environments where there are no proper sanitation facilities like toilets and garbage disposal can cause diseases like , hepatitis, polio etc.

We can take the example of urban slums like the largest slum of India Dharavi Mumbai. People in these slums live in cramped settlements, water supply is scarce and there is no proper method for its purification or for the discharge of waste. Due to a lack of such basic amenities, immunity system of the people becomes weak and they become more likely to fall ill. Therefore, it is imperative to improve the quality of water provided and to have adequate sanitation to prevent diseases. Only then will the population become healthy.

Topics Covered in Role of the Government in Health Chapter 2 Civics (Social Science)

  • What is health?
  • Healthcare in India
  • The story of Hakim Sheik
  • Public and private health care services
  • Public health services
  • Private health facilities
  • Healthcare and equality:Is adequate healthcare available to all?
  • The Kerala experience
  • The Costa Rican approach

Important Terms Relevant for NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 – Role of the Government in Health :

Public: An activity or service owned and operated by the government. It is cost-friendly and aims at public welfare.

Private: A service or organization owned by an individual or a company. It operates for profit.

Medical Tourists: Foreigners who come to another country specially for medical treatment.

Communicable Diseases: Diseases which can spread from one person to another through sources like air, water, physical contact.

OPD: ‘Out Patient Department’ is a department of a hospital designed for treating patients who come for diagnosis but do not need to be admitted or do not require a bed at this time.

Ethics: Moral principles and consciousness that influence a person’s actions.

Generic names: It refers to the chemical name of a drug and shows the chemical make-up of a drug rather than its advertised brand name.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics

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