NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy (Social Science), contains solutions to various questions in Exercise for Chapter 8. At the end of the Solutions, all the keywords which are important to understand Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Civics, have been explained in a simple and easy to understand manner. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science help to check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and application of your knowledge.
Category | NCERT Solutions for Class 10 |
Subject | Civics (Social Science) |
Chapter | Chapter 8 – Challenges to Democracy |
Download NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 8 – Challenges to Democracy
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy – Iintext Questions:
Question 1:
Write a description of the challenges for democracy in the following situations.
Case and Context | Your description of the challenges for democracy in that situation |
Mexico: Second free election after the defeat of PRI in 2000; defeated candidates alleges rigging. | In this case, the biggest challenge is to convince all the people to vote and the election-conducting body to be more careful to conduct a free and fair election since it defines the true essence of democracy. |
China: The Communist party adopts economic reforms but maintains a monopoly over political power. | The challenge, in this case, is to be able to curb the monopoly of the political power and bring more deserving parties into the election process so that multi-party elections are conducted. |
Pakistan: General Musharraf holds a referendum, allegations of fraud in the voter’s list. | To be able to remove the malpractices observed during election procedures is the biggest challenge in this case so that the process of election can be made more transparent. |
Iraq: Widespread sectarian violence as the new government fails to establish its authority. | To be able to remove sectarianism and curb the violence related to it. |
South Africa: Mandela retires from active politics; pressure on his successor Mbeki to withdraw some concessions given to the white minority. | In this case, the biggest challenge is to prevent the domination of one community over the other and remove this method of discrimination. |
US, Guantanamo Bay: UN Secretary-General calls this a violation of international law; the US refused to respond. | In this case, the biggest challenge is to curb the authoritarian behaviour of powerful countries like the USA and making it mandatory for these countries to respond to such queries for the public good as the government is answerable to its people for the actions it takes. |
Saudi Arabia: Women were not allowed to take part in public activities, no freedom of religion for the minority. | The challenge is to remove gender-based and religion-based discrimination and provide equal status to women and other religious minorities to maintain the sense of equality. |
Yugoslavia: Ethnic tension between Serbs and Albanians on the rise in the province of Kosovo; Yugoslavia disintegrated. | In this case, the biggest challenge is to lessen social differences and social divisions in Yugoslavia and to inaugurate the principle of power-sharing among the provinces. |
Belgium: One round of constitutional change took place, but the Dutch speakers not satisfied; they want more autonomy. | To be able to satisfy the needs of the particular linguistic group to maintain unity in diversity properly is the biggest challenge here. |
Sri Lanka: Peace talks between the government and LTTE breaks down, renewed violence. | To be able to curb the violence and sort out the needs and demands in a peaceful manner seems to be the challenge here. |
The US, Civil Rights: Blacks have won equal rights, but they are still poor, less educated and marginalized. | To be able to provide with equal opportunities and maintain the principle of equity by uplifting the weaker section is the challenge in this case. |
Northern Ireland: The civil war has ended but Catholics and Protestants yet to develop trust. | To be able to make both the communities trust each other and live in harmony and peace is the biggest challenge faced in this situation. |
Nepal: Constituent Assembly about to be elected; unrest in Terai areas; Maoists have not surrendered arms. | In this case, the bigger challenge is to carry out the election process in peace without violence. |
Bolivia: Morales, a supporter of water struggle, becomes the Prime Minister, MNC’s threaten to leave the country. | In this case, a balance between the private and public industries should be made which seems to be a difficult challenge that needs to be addressed by every democracy in the world. |
Question 2:
Now let us think only about India. Think of all the challenges that democracy faces in contemporary India. List those five that should be addressed first of all. The listing should be in order of priority, i.e., the challenge you find most important or pressing should be mentioned at number 1, and so on. Give one example of that challenge and your reasons for assigning it the priority.
Answer 2:
Challenges faced by India with respect to its democracy are as follows:
Firstly, Corruption plays a humongous role as in a democracy, things should be done in a very transparent manner and the distribution of power is done in a manner so that each body is answerable to the other for its actions. However, corruption defeats the whole purpose of it.
Secondly, the usage of muscle power and money during election campaigns: The sole purpose of a democracy is to provide people with free and fair elections where people can choose their rulers without getting biased or threatened. However, usage of muscle power and money during the election process not only results in a biased result but also defeats the very aspect of free and fair elections.
Thirdly, predominant caste discrimination even in the present times defeats the concept of equality as one section is preferred over the other solely because of their particular identity.
The problem of poverty and illiteracy leads to a very difficult situation of being able to select an able government as most of the people voting do not exactly know the consequences and reasons behind giving their votes to a particular candidate and also they can be easily manipulated as a result of which rigging and biased voting takes place.
Last but not the least, Indian democracy also suffers from regionalism. Even though it claims to be a secular nation, yet during elections, most of the parties claim to support a particular religion especially the dominant one and a majority of the nation, resulting in a biased selection and ignoring the needs if the minority.
Challenges to Democracy Class 10 NCERT Solutions
Question 3:
Here are some challenges that require political reforms. Discuss these challenges in detail, study the reform options offered here and give your preferred solution with reasons. Remember that none of the options offered here is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. You can opt for a mix of more than one option, or come up with something that is not offered here. But you must give your solution in details and offer reasons for your choice.
Answer 3:
In the first case, the option where district administration and police are advised to carry out surprise raids to check the attendance of the doctors clubbed with the option where the government should make it compulsory for the doctors to live in the village where they are posted, otherwise, their service should be terminated can be effective as this would inculcate a fear within the doctors and they will be forced to perform their duty. Also, a rotational duty for the doctors will ease out their problem and as a result, they will also willfully perform their duty since it will only be for a short time when they will have to live their city comforts and stay in a village to perform their duty.
In the second case, all the reforms suggested clubbed together will be effective in reducing the power of money and wealth in the election process.
Question 4:
(Write your name here) ___________ ’s definition of good democracy (not more than 50 words).
Answer 4:
A democracy can be defined as a type of government which is elected by the people, according to their choice and which is expected to look after the needs of the people and fulfil their demands. It is a form of government which is expected to provide equality and justice to all sections of the society without any bias.
Question 5:
Features (use only as many points as you want. Try to compress it in as few points as possible)
Answer 5:
- It’s a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
- Should conduct regular, free and fair elections.
- All citizens should be given a basic set of rights.
- Principles of equality, morality and justice should be maintained.
- Discrimination on any basis should not be carried out.
- Welfare measures for the benefit of society should be carried out.
Topics Covered in Chapter 8 – Challenges to Democracy Class 10 Civics (Social Science)
- Thinking about challenges
- Different contexts, different challenges
- Different types of challenges
- Thinking about political reforms
- Redefining democracy