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NCERT CBSE Class 12 Economics Syllabus 2021-22 (Class 12 Term wise Curriculum) – MCQ Pattern Class 12 Economics Syllabus Term-wise 2021-22 Term 1 – MCQ
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NCERT CBSE Class 12 Economics Syllabus 2021-22 (Class 12 Term wise Curriculum) – MCQ Pattern Class 12 Economics Syllabus Term-wise 2021-22 Term 1 – MCQ
Syllabus of Political Science class XII Course III: Politics in India Since Independence Course IV: Contemporary World Politics Course III: Politics in India Since Independence
Syllabus of Geography class XII A. Fundamentals of Human Geography B. India: People and Economy A. Fundamentals of Human Geography Unit I: Human Geography: Nature
Syllabus of History class XII Themes in Indian History Part-I 1. The Story of the First Cities: Harappan Archaeology Broad overview: Early urban centres. Story
CLASS XII Semester III Principles and Functions of Management Semester IV Business Finance and Marketing Semester III Principles and Functions of Management Unit I:Nature and
Semester III: Psychology and Self Unit I:Variations in Psychological Attributes The unit aims at studying how people differ with respect to their various psychological attributes.
Syllabus for CLASS XII Accountancy Semester III: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations and Partnership Firms Semester IV: Company Accounts and Financial Statement Analysis Semester III: Accounting
Syllabus of Biology class XII VI. Sexual Reproduction Pollination and fertilisation in flowering plants. Development of seeds and fruits. Human reproduction: Reproductive system in male
Syllabus of Physics class XII Unit I: Electrostatics Electric charges and their conservation. Coulomb’s law – force between two point charges, forces between multiple charges;
Syllabus of Chemistry class XII Unit I: Solid State  Classification of solids based on different binding forces: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and
Units I. Relations and Functions II. Algebra III. Calculus IV. Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry V. Linear Programming VI. Probability Appendix: 1. Proofs in Mathematics 2.