Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet pdf

Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet pdf contains 31 MCQ questions. Answers to Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet pdf are available after clicking on the answer. Maths Worksheets for Class 6 help to check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and application of your knowledge.

Category Maths Worksheets for Class 6
Subject Maths
Chapter Basic Geometrical Ideas

Q.1) _______ has no end point.
[A] Line segment
[B] Line
[C] Ray


Answer: B) Line has no end point.


Line has no end point.


Q.2) _______ has two end points.
[A] Line segment
[B] Line
[C] Ray


Answer: A) Line segment has two end points.


Line segment has two end points.

Q.3) _______ has only one end point.
[A] Line segment
[B] Line
[C] Ray


Answer: C) Ray has only one end point.


Ray has only one end point.

In the given diagram, A is the only end point. The Ray goes indefinitely in the other direction till infinity.


Q.4) Which of the following does have a definite length?
[A] Line segment
[B] Line
[C] Ray


Answer: A) Line segment has a definite length.


Line segment has a definite length.

In the given diagram, A and B are the two end points of Line segment AB.

In case of Line, there are no end points and therefore it has no definite length.

In the case of Ray, A is the only end point. The Ray goes indefinitely in the other direction till infinity, and therefore it has no definite length


Q.5) _____ lines can pass through a single point.
[A] Only one
[B] two
[C] Infinite


Answer: C) Infinite lines can pass through a single point.


Infinite lines can pass through a single point.


Q.6) _____ line can pass through two given points.
[A] Only one
[B] Infinite


Answer: A) Only one line can pass between these two Points.


Only one line can pass through two given points. If A and B are two points, only one line can pass between these two Points.


Q.7) A ray has _____ length.
[A] indefinite
[B] definite


Answer: A) A ray has indefinite length.


A ray is a part of a line starting from one point and it can be extended infinitely.

Hence, a ray has indefinite length.



Q.8) A line has _____ length.
[A] indefinite
[B] definite


Answer: A) A line has indefinite length


A line can be extended from both the sides infinitely.

Hence, a line has indefinite length.



Q.9) A line segment has _____ length.
[A] indefinite
[B] definite


Answer: B) A line segment has definite length.


Both the sides of line segment has end points, so it can’t be extended from any of its ends.

Hence, a line segment has definite length.


Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet pdf

Q.10) ______ can be drawn on a paper.
[A] Line segment
[B] Ray
[C] Line


Answer: A) A Line segment can be drawn on a paper.


A Line segment can be drawn on a paper, since it has definite length.

However, a ray or line can’ t be draw on paper as they have indefinite length.


Q.11) An angle which has a measure of 50Ëš is ?
[A] an obtuse angle
[B] an acute angle
[C] a right angle


Answer: B) An acute angle


Acute angle – If the measure of an angle is more than 0Ëš but less than 90Ëš , it is called an acute angle.
Obtuse angle – If the measure of an angle is more than 90Ëš but less than 180Ëš , it is called an obtuse angle.
Right angle – If the measure of an angle is 90Ëš, then the angle is called a right angle.
In present case,
The given angle is 50Ëš
We know that
0Ëš < 50Ëš < 90Ëš
Hence, an angle which has a measure of 50Ëš is an acute angle.


Q.12) An angle which has a measure of 90Ëš is ?
[A] a straight angle
[B] a reflex angle
[C] a right angle


Answer: C) A right angle


Straight angle – If the measure of an angle is 180Ëš, then the angle is called a straight angle.
Reflex angle – If the measure of the angle is more than 180Ëš but less than 360Ëš , then the angle is called a reflex angle.
Right angle – If the measure of an angle is 90Ëš, then the angle is called a right angle.
In present case,
Measure of the given Angle is = 90Ëš
Hence, an angle which has a measure of 90Ëš is a right angle.


Q.13) 4 right angles = ?
[A] 540Ëš
[B] 450Ëš
[C] 360Ëš


Answer: C) 360Ëš


We know that,
If the measure of an angle is 90Ëš, then the angle is called a right angle.
In other words,
1 right angle = 90Ëš
4 right angles = 4 x 90Ëš
4 right angles = 360Ëš


Q.14) 5/2 right angles = ?
[A] 225Ëš
[B] 335Ëš
[C] 360Ëš


Answer: A) 225Ëš


As we know that,
If the measure of an angle is 90Ëš, then the angle is called a right angle.
In other words,
1 right angle = 90Ëš
5/2 right angles = 5/2 x 90Ëš
5/2 right angles = 225Ëš

Q.15) Which of the following figure is a polygon?





Answer: B)


Polygon is : –
·  A simple closed figure
·  Having three or more than three sides
From the given figures, the Polygon is

Option 1 and 3 have more than 3 sides but they are not simple closed figures as they intersect themselves at some point.


Q.16) ______ is a simple closed figure formed by 3 or more than 3 sides.
[A] Polygon
[B] Circle
[C] Line segment


Answer: A) Polygon


Polygon is a simple closed figure formed by 3 or more than 3 sides.


Q.17) Triangle has ______ sides.
[A] 3
[B] 4
[C] 2


Answer: A) 3


Triangle has 3 sides.

In the given diagram, the 3 sides Triangle are AB, BC and AC.


Q.18) Pentagon has ______ vertices.
[A] 4
[B] 3
[C] 5


Answer: C) 5


Pentagon has 5 vertices.

In the given figure, the vertices of the Pentagon are marked as A, B, C, D and E.


Q.19) Quadrilateral has ______ sides.
[A] 3
[B] 4
[C] 5


Answer: B) 4


Quadrilateral has 4 sides.

In the given diagram, the 4 sides of Quadrilateral are AB, BC, CD and AD.


Q.20) Pentagon has ______ sides.
[A] 4
[B] 3
[C] 5


Answer: C) 5

Pentagon has 5 sides.

In the given diagram, the 5 sides of Pentagon are AB, BC, CD, DE and AE.


Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet pdf

Q.21) Quadrilateral has ______ angles.
[A] 3
[B] 4
[C] 5


Answer: B) 4


Quadrilateral has 4 angles.

In the given figure, the angles of the Quadrilateral are marked as ∠A, ∠B, ∠C, ∠D.


Q.22) A polygon having 3 sides is called a ______ .
[A] triangle
[B] hexagon
[C] quadrilateral


Answer: A) Triangle


A polygon having 3 sides is called a triangle.

In the given diagram, the 3 sides of the given figure are AB, BC and AC.


Q.23) Which of the following figure is a closed figure?





Answer: C)


If starting point and the end point of a figure are same, then the figure is a closed figure.

So, the closed figure amongst the given figures is



Q.24) Which of the following figure is an open figure?





Answer: B)


If starting point and the end point of a figure are not same, then the figure is an open figure.

So, the open figure amongst the given figures is

Q.25) State whether the given statement is true or false for the given figure:
AF is parallel to BC.

[A] True
[B] False


Answer: B) False


When two lines are equidistant from each other and can never meet at any point, they are called parallel lines.

In given figure, we observe that
Line AF and Line BC are not equidistant from each other
Hence, we can say that Line AF is not parallel to Line BC.


Q.26) A line segment which passes through the center of a circle , and whose end points lie on the circumference of the circle is called the  ______ of a circle.
[A] diameter
[B] secant
[C] arc


Answer: A) Diameter


A line segment which passes through the center of a circle , and whose end points lie on the circumference of the circle is called the Diameter of a circle.


In the above figure, AB, is a line segment which passes through the center O , and its end points (A and B) lie on the circumference of the circle.
Hence, AB is the diameter of the given Circle.


Q.27) Chord that divide the circle into two equal parts is called _______ of the circle.
[A] diameter
[B] sector
[C] secant


Answer: A) Diameter


Chord that divides the circle into two equal parts is called Diameter of the circle.

Here, AB is the chord , which is the diameter of a circle, as it divides the circle into two equal parts.


Q.28) If the radius of the circle is 7 cm, find its diameter?
[A] 14 cm
[B] 21 cm
[C] 28 cm


Answer: A) 14 cm


As we know that,
Diameter of a Circle = 2 x ( Radius of a Circle )
Radius = 7 cm
Diameter of a Circle = 2 x 7 cm
Diameter of a Circle = 14 cm
Hence, the Diameter of a Circle is 14 cm


Q.29) If the diameter of the circle is 12 cm, find its radius?
[A] 24 cm
[B] 6 cm
[C] 18 cm


Answer: B) 6 cm


Diameter of a Circle = 12 cm
We know that,
Diameter of a Circle = 2 x ( Radius of a Circle )
or in other words
Radius of a Circle = Diameter of a Circle/2
Radius of a Circle = 12/2 cm
Radius of a Circle = 6 cm
Hence, the Radius of a Circle is 6 cm


Q.30) Is the given figure is symmetrical about the dotted line?

[A] Yes
[B] No


Answer: A)Yes


A figure is said to be symmetrical about the dotted line, if on folding, one part will fit exactly over the other part.
If we separate the given image on the dotted line, it would be like this

Since the image on the left side of the dotted line is same in shape from the image on the right side of the dotted line, although its different in appearance, on folding left side image would exactly fit over the right side image. Hence, we can say that the given figure is symmetrical about dotted line.


Q.31) Given below is a bar graph showing the number of students passed in different subjects.

In which subject Maximum number of students have passed ?
[A] Hindi
[B] Science
[C] S.S.T


Answer: A) S.S.T


We have to find the subject in which maximum number of students have passed. The bar graph which has the tallest length would represent the subject, in which maximum number of students have passed

Look at the bar graph which is the tallest one amongst the given graphs.

According to the bar graph S.S.T is the tallest bar. Therefore, the maximum number of students have passed in SST.


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