Time Worksheets Grade 3

Download Time Worksheets Grade 3

Q.1) Read the time in the clock and write it both in words and figures?

a) 4:30 or half past four
b) 5:15 or quarter past five
c) 5:30 or half past five
d) 4:15 or quarter past four

Q.2) Read the time in the clock and write it both in words and figures?

a) 6:45 or quarter to seven
b) 7:45 or quarter to eight
c) 8:15 or quarter past eight
d) 8:30 or half past eight

Q.3) How many days are there in a week?
a) 9
b) 12
c) 7

Q.4) How many months are there in a year?
a) 14
b) 12
c) 9

Q.5) The shortest month of the year is _______ .
a) April
b) May
c) February

Q.6) Which is the fifth month of the year?
a) April
b) June
c) May

Q.7) Which is the tenth month of the year?
a) September
b) October
c) August

Q.8) Which is the seventh month of the year?
a) August
b) June
c) July

Q.9) May comes after ______ .
a) April
b) June
c) July

Q.10) March comes before ______ .
a) May
b) April
c) February

Q.11) July comes before ______ .
a) June
b) September
c) August

Q.12) ______ month comes between March and May.
a) February
b) April
c) July

Q.13) A leap year comes once in every ____ years.
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2

Q.14) You are making waffles in the morning. Is it A.M. or P.M.?
a) A.M.
b) P.M.

Q.15) You are taking your dog for a walk in the afternoon. Is it A.M. or P.M.?
a) A.M.
b) P.M.

Q.16) When is dinner eaten?
a) A.M.
b) P.M.

Q.17) You are watching the evening news. Is it A.M. or P.M.?
a) A.M.
b) P.M.

Q.18) When does it get dark outside?
a) A.M.
b) P.M.

Time Worksheets Grade 3 Explanations

Q.1) Explanation – Time Worksheets Grade 3

Since the hour hand is between 4 and 5, the number of hours is 4;

Minutes past the hour, tells us how many minutes have passed after completion of an hour

Since the minute hand is on 6, and each number shows 5 minutes, so the total minutes are (5 x 6) = 30

Since, 30 minutes are equal to half an hour, we can say that the time is 4:30 or half past four.

Q.2) Explanation – Time Worksheets Grade 3

8:45 or quarter to nine
Since the hour hand is between 6 and 7, the number of hours is 6;
Minutes past the hour, tells us how many minutes have passed after completion of an hour
Since the minute hand is on 9, and each number shows 5 minutes, so the total minutes are (5 x 9) = 4

Since, 15 minutes are equal to quarter an hour, we can say that the time is 6:45 or quarter to seven.

Q.3) Explanation: Time Worksheets Grade 3

There are 7 days in a week.

Q.4) Explanation: Time Worksheets Grade 3

There are 12 months in a year, which come in the following order : –

Q.5) Explanation:

February has 28 days in normal years or 29 days in leap year but other months have 30 or 31 days.

So, February is the shortest month of the year.

Q.6) Explanation:

There are 12 months in a year, which come in the following order : -​

So, May is the fifth month of the year.

Q.7) Explanation: Time Worksheets Grade 3

There are 12 months in a year, which come in the following order : -​

So, October is the tenth month of the year.

Q.8) Explanation:

There are 12 months in a year, which come in the following order : -​

So, July is the seventh month of the year.

Q.9) Explanation: Time Worksheets Grade 3

There are 12 months in a year, which come in the following order : –

So, the month of May comes after April.

Q.10) Explanation:

There are 12 months in a year, which come in the following order : –

So, the month of March comes before April.

Q.11) Explanation: Time Worksheets Grade 3

There are 12 months in a year, which come in the following order : –

So, the month of July comes before August.

Q.12) Explanation:

The months come in the following order : –

So, April comes between March and May.

Q.13) Explanation:

A leap year comes in every 4 years.

Q.14) Explanation:

A.M. means before 12 noon.
P.M. means after 12 noon.
It is given that you are making waffles in the morning. Morning is before 12 noon. Hence, it is A.M.

Q.15) Explanation: Time Worksheets Grade 3

A.M. means before 12 noon.
P.M. means after 12 noon.
It is given that you are taking your dog for a walk in the afternoon. Afternoon is after 12 noon. Hence, it is P.M.

Q.16) Explanation: 

A.M. means before 12 noon.
P.M. means after 12 noon.
Dinner is eaten at night. Night is after 12 noon. Hence, it is P.M.

Q.17) Explanation:

A.M. means before 12 noon.
P.M. means after 12 noon.
It is given that you are watching the evening news. Evening is after 12 noon. Hence, it is P.M.

Q.18) Explanation: Time Worksheets Grade 3

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