CBSE Syllabus | NCERT Syllabus | Social Science Class 8 NCERT Syllabus
HISTORY: OUR PASTS CLASS VIII: OUR PASTS – III Where, When, How (a) An overview of the period. (b) Introduction to the new geographical categories.
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HISTORY: OUR PASTS CLASS VIII: OUR PASTS – III Where, When, How (a) An overview of the period. (b) Introduction to the new geographical categories.
Syllabus of Social Science class XÂ HISTORY Unit I: Events and Processes Unit II: Economies and Livelihoods Unit III: Culture, Identity and Society Unit I: Events
Syllabus of Social Science class IXÂ HISTORY Unit I: Events and Processes Unit II: Economies and Livelihoods Unit III: Culture, Identity and Society Unit I: Events
History  1. Eighteenth Century Political Formations Eighteenth Century Political Formations 2. The Making of Regional Cultures A Closer Look: Bengal Paintings for Patrons : The Tradition
History CHAPTER 1: What, Where, How and When 1.1 What, Where, How and When CHAPTER 2: On the Trail of the Earliest People 2.1 On