Subtraction of Like Fractions | Subtraction of Unlike Fractions

Subtraction of Like Fractions – To subtracts Like Fractions, we subtract the numerators and write the difference over the same denominator.

Subtraction of Unlike Fractions – To subtracts Unlike Fractions, first we have to change the Unlike Fractions, into equivalent Like Fractions, and then subtract the two equivalent Like Fractions

Subtraction of Like Fractions Examples


Find the difference of 10/6 and 7/6 and reduce to its lowest term.


On simplifying further,

HCF of 3 and 6 is 3

Dividing both Numerator and Denominator by their HCF i.e, 3

Subtraction of Unlike Fractions Examples


Find the difference of 13/6 and 4/3.


To find the difference of Unlike Fraction

Firstly, we have to change the Unlike Fraction into equivalent Like Fraction, and then subtract the two equivalent Like Fraction

LCM of 6 and 3 is 6

Converting the Unlike Fraction into Equivalent Like Fraction

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