NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 – Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 – Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Category NCERT Solutions for Class 7
Subject Geography (Social Science)
Chapter Chapter 6 – Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

1. Answer the following questions.

(i) Which are the two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends?

Answer – The two factors on which the growth of vegetation depends are:

  • Climate: Temperature and rainfall has a major role in the growth of vegetation
  • Soil: The varieties of soil present in the earth gives rise to various vegetation types

(ii) Which are the three broad categories of natural vegetation?

Answer – Natural vegetation is generally classified in to three broad categories as follows:

(a) Forests: Which grow where temperature and rainfall are plentiful to support a tree cover.

(b) Grasslands: Which grow in the region of moderate rain.

(c) Shrubs: Thorny shrubs and scrubs grow in the dry region

(iii) Name the two hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forest.

Answer – Hardwood trees like rosewood and mahogany are commonly found in tropical evergreen forest.

(iv) In which part of the world are tropical deciduous forest found?

Answer – Tropical deciduous are the monsoon forests, which experience seasonal changes. They are found in the large part of India, northern Australia and in central America.

(v) In which climatic conditions are citrus fruits cultivated?

Answer – Citrus fruits are cultivated mostly in Mediterranean type of climate.

(vi) Mention the uses of coniferous forest.

Answer – The uses of coniferous forest can be noted as follows:

  • The woods of these trees are very useful for making pulp, which is used for manufacturing paper and newsprint.
  • Match boxes and packing boxes are also made from softwood from the coniferous forest.

(vii) In which part of the world is seasonal grassland found?

Answer – Seasonal grassland is found in the mid latitudinal zones or the temperate areas of the world such as North America, Southern parts of South America and in the interior part of Europe.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 – Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

2. Tick the correct answer.

(i) Mosses and Lichens are found in:
(a) Desertic Vegetation
(b) Tropical evergreen forest
(c) Tundra vegetation


Answer: (c) Tundra vegetation


(ii) Thorny bushes are found in:
(a) Hot and humid tropical climate
(b) Hot and dry desertic climate
(c) Cold polar climate


Answer: (b) Hot and dry desertic climate


(iii) In tropical evergreen forest, one of the common animals is:
(a) Monkey
(b) Girraffe
(c) Camel


Answer: (a) Monkey


(iv) One important variety of coniferous forest is:
(a) Rosewood
(b) Pine
(c) Teak


Answer: (b) Pine


(v) Steppe grassland is found in
(a) S. Africa
(b) Australia
(c) Central Asia


Answer: (c) Central Asia


NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 – Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

3. Match the following.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 - Natural Vegetation and Wild Life Match the column

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 – Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

4. Give reasons.

(i) The animals in polar region have thick fur and thick skin. This is to protect themselves from the harsh climate where there is snow almost 11-12 months in the year.

(ii) Tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in the dry season.  Deciduous trees shed their leaves to protect themselves from winter, the leaves in the trees lose water by transpiration to the atmosphere. In the dry tropical regions, to survive the entire year, the trees need to conserve the water within them.

(iii) The type and thickness of vegetation changes from place to place. This varies according to the amount of water available and the climate the plants are exposed to. This adaptation helps the plant to survive in different weather conditions.

NCERT Solutions for Geography (Social Science)

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