Unitary method Worksheets Grade 7

Unitary method Worksheets Grade 7 contains 6 MCQ questions. Answers to Unitary method Worksheets Grade 7 are available after clicking on the answer. Maths Worksheets for Class 7 help to check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and application of your knowledge.

Category Maths Worksheets for Class 7
Subject Maths
Chapter Unitary method

Q.1) If the cost of 15 oranges is ₹ 180, find the cost of 8 such oranges ?
a) ₹ 96
b) ₹ 108
c) ₹ 84


Answer: a. ₹ 96

Q.2) 18 women can reap a field in 18 days, in how many days can 12 women reap the same field?
a) 29 days
b) 27 days
c) 16 days


Answer: b. 27 days

Q.3) If 12 men can dig a trench in 16 days , then 1 man can dig the same trench in how many days ?
a) 199 days
b) 185 days
c) 192 days


Answer: c. 192 days

Q.4) If 12 metres of a uniform iron rod weighs 16 kg then what will be the weight of 3 metres of the same rod ?
a) 3 kg
b) 4 kg
c) 2 kg


Answer: b. 4 kg

Q.5) 14 horses can graze a field in 28 days . How many horses can graze it in 4 days ?
a) 95
b) 99
c) 98
d) 101


Answer: c. 98

Q.6) If 30 metres of cloth costs ₹ 1920, how many metres of it can be bought for ₹ 2880 ?
a) 45 metres
b) 42 metres
c) 48 metres


Answer: a. 45 metres

Maths Worksheets for Class 7

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