Triangles Class 10 MCQ with Answers

Triangles Class 10 MCQ with Answers – Maths Class 10 MCQ Online Test are covered in this Article. Triangles Class 10 MCQ Test contains 25 questions. Answers to MCQ on Triangles Class 10 are available after clicking on the answer. MCQ Questions for Class 10 with Answers have been made for Class 10 students to help check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and application of your knowledge.

Board CBSE
Textbook Maths (NCERT)
Class Class 10
Chapter Chapter 6 Triangles
Category MCQ Questions for Class 10 Maths with Answers

Triangles Class 10 MCQ with Answers

1. All similar figures are congruent.

(a) True

(b) False


Answer: (b) False

Explanation: All congruent figures are similar but the similar figures need not be congruent.


2. Two polygons of the same number of sides are similar, if

(a) their corresponding angles are equal

(b) their corresponding sides are equal

(c) their corresponding sides are proportional

(d) Both A and C


Answer: (d) Both A and C


3. In a triangle ABC in which a line parallel to side BC intersects other two sides AB and AC at D and E respectively, then AB and AC are

(a) AD/DB = AE/EC

(b) AD/DB ≠ AE/EC

(c) AD/DB > AE/EC

(d) AD/DB < AE/EC


Answer: (a) AD/DB = AE/EC


If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.


4. Given in a ∆ABC, AD/DB = AE/EC and ∠ADE= ∠ACB, then

(a) ∆ABC is equilateral triangle

(b) ∆ABC is isosceles triangle

(c) ∆ABC is scalene triangle

(d) Can’t say


Answer: (b) ∆ABC is isosceles triangle


as given, AD/DB=AE/EC

So, DE || BC(If a line divides any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, then the line is parallel to the third side)

Then, ∠ADE= ∠ABC (Corresponding angles)

Given, ∠ADE= ∠ACB

By this,


AB = AC (Sides opposite to the equal angles)

So, it is an isosceles triangle.

5. S and T are respectively the midpoints on the sides PQ and PR of a triangle PQR and QR = 7 cm. If ST || QR, then the length of ST is

(a) 3.5cm

(b) 3cm

(c) 4cm

(d) 7cm


Answer: (a) 3.5cm

Explanation: By midpoint theorem, which states that “the line segment in a triangle joining the midpoint of two sides of the triangle is said to be parallel to its third side and is also half of the length of the third side.”
ST= QR/2 = 3.5cm


6. Areas of two similar triangles are 30 cmand 120 cm2. If the length of a side of the larger triangle is 40 cm, then the length of the corresponding side of the smaller triangle is:

(a) 12cm

(b) 13cm

(c) 14cm

(d) 15cm


Answer: (a) 12cm

Explanation: Let the side of smaller triangle be x cm.

ar(Larger Triangle)/ar(Smaller Triangle) = (side of larger triangle/side of smaller triangle)2

120/30 = (40/x)2

x = √400

X = 20 cm


7. If in two triangles, corresponding angles are equal, then their corresponding sides are in the same ratio (or proportion) and hence the two triangles are similar. This refers to

(a) ASA criteria

(b) SAS criteria

(c) AAA criteria

(d) SSS criteria


Answer: (c) AAA criteria


8. In an ∆ DEF, GH || EF and divides the triangle in two equal areas. Find the ratio of corresponding sides.

(a) 2cm

(b) √2 cm

(c) 4cm

(d) 3cm


Answer: (b) √2 cm


In ∆ DEF and ∆ DGH,

GH || EF

∠DEF = ∠DGH, ∠DFE = ∠DHG (Corresponding angles)

∆ DEF ~ ∆ DGH (AA Similarity)

Given, ar∆ DEF/ ar ∆ DGH = 2/1

ar∆ DEF/ ar ∆ DGH = (DE / DG)² {The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding sides.}

(DE / DG)2 = 2/1

DE / DG = √2 /1


Triangles Class 10 MCQ with Answers

9.If in two triangles, sides of one triangle are proportional to (i.e., in the same ratio of) the sides of the other triangle, then their corresponding angles are equal and hence the two triangles are similar. This refers to

(a) ASA criteria

(b) SAS criteria

(c) AAA criteria

(d) SSS criteria


Answer: (d) SSS criteria


10.If one angle of a triangle is equal to one angle of the other triangle and the sides including these angles are proportional, then the two triangles are similar. This refers to

(a) ASA criteria

(b) SAS criteria

(c) AAA criteria

(d) SSS criteria


Answer: (b) SAS criteria


11. Which is not a right triangle.

(a) 3,4,5 (cm)

(b) 6,8,10 (cm)

(c) 4,3,7 (cm)

(d) 34,30,16 (cm)


Answer: (c) 4,3,7 (cm)

Explanation: 72 ≠ 42 + 32


12. In triangle ABC, if AB = 4 cm, AC = 12 cm, BD = 3 cm, and AD is the bisector of angle BAC, find DC

(a) 2

(b) 4

(c) 6

(d) 9


Answer: (d) 9


As Given, AD is the angle bisector of angle BAC,

So, by angle bisector theorem,


⇒ 3/DC = 4/12

⇒ DC = (3 X 12)/4 cm = 9 cm


13.If PQ || RS then, ∆ POQ ~ ∆ SOR by

(a) SAS

(b) SSS

(c) AAA

(d) ASA


Answer: (c) AAA

Explanation: In ∆ POQ and ∆ SOR,

∠P=∠S (Alternate Interior angle, PQ || RS)

∠Q=∠R (Alternate Interior angle, PQ || RS)



∆ POQ ~ ∆ SOR


14. All the isosceles triangles are

(a) Not Similar

(b) Congruent

(c) Both

(d) None


Answer: (a) Not Similar


15.If ∆ABC ~ ∆DEF, <A=36˚ and ∠E= 64˚, find ∠C

(a) 36˚

(b) 64˚

(c) 80˚

(d) 126˚


Answer: (c) 80˚

Explanation: given, ∆ABC ~ ∆DEF

So, ∠E= ∠B= 64˚

In ∆ABC,

∠A=36˚, ∠B= 64˚, ∠C= ?

∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180˚

36˚ + 64˚ + ∠C = 180˚

∠C = 180˚ – 100˚ = 80˚

16.In a ∆ABC, AC = √25cm, AB = 3cm, BC = 4cm, find ∠B

(a) 30˚

(b) 60˚

(c) 90˚

(d) 120˚


Answer: (c) 90˚

Explanation: AC2 =AB2 + BC2

(√25)2 = (3)2 + (4)2


Satisfying Pythagoras, ∠B = 90˚


Triangles Class 10 MCQ with Answers

17.∆ABC is a right-angled triangle, right angled at B and BD ⊥ AC. If BD = 3cm, AB = 5 cm and BC = 5 cm find AC?

(a) 5 cm

(b) 8 cm

(c) 9 cm

(d) 10 cm


Answer: (b) 8 cm

Explanation: BD = 3cm and AB = 5cm

Now, in ∆ADB

AB2 = AD2 + BD2

AD2 = AB2 – BD2

AD2 = 25 – 9

AD2 = 16

AD = 4cm

Now, in ∆ABD and ∆CBD

BD = BD (Common Side)

∠ADB = ∠CDB (Both 90°)

AB = BC (Given)

∆ABD ≅ ∆CDB (RHS Congruency)

Therefore, AD = DC

AC = AD + DC = 2AD = 2 × 4cm = 8cm


18.The lengths of diagonals of a rhombus are 8 cm and 6 cm. What will be the length of the sides of rhombus?
(a) 6 cm
(b) 5 cm
(c) 7 cm
(d)  3 cm


Answer: (b) 5 cm


Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles

Therefore, AE = 4cm and DE = 3cm; ∠E= 90˚

Now, in ∆AED

AD2 = AE2 + DE2

AD2 = 16 + 9

AD2 = 25

AD = √25 cm = 5 cm


19. What will be the length of the side of the rhombus inscribed in a circle of radius 3 cm?

(a) √18 cm

(b) 2√3 cm

(c) 6 cm

(d) 3√6 cm


Answer: (a) √18 cm


In ∆AEB,

AE= BE= 3cm (radius of the circle)

AB= ?

AB2 = AE2 + BE2 (Diagonals of the rhombus bisect each other and perpendicular)

= 9 + 9

= 18

AB = √18 cm


20.In ΔABC, if DE || BC, AD = x, DB = x + 4, AE = x – 4 and EC = x – 1, then value of x is
(a) 4
(b) 7
(c) 10
(d) 16


Answer: (d) 16

Explanation: ∆ABC ~ ∆ADE, (by AAA criteria) as DE || BC

If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.



X/ x+4 = x-4 / x-1

X(x-1) = (x+4) (x-4)

X2 – x = x2 – 16

X = 16

21.An equilateral triangle ABC is of side 8cm. AD bisects the ∠BAC , find BD:DC.

(a) 8:4

(b) 3:2

(c) 1:1

(d) 2:3


Answer: (c) 1:1

Explanation: The Angle-Bisector theorem states that if a ray bisects an angle of a triangle, then it divides the opposite side into segments that are proportional to the other two sides.
BD / DC = AB / AC = 1:1


22.In below Figure –

(a) All congruent figure are not Similar nor congruent.

(b) All congruent figure are not Similar but congruent.

(c) All congruent figure are Similar may or may not congruent.

(d) None of the above..


Answer: (c) All congruent figure are Similar may or may not congruent.


23.Two polygons of the same number of sides are similar, if their corresponding angles are………and their corresponding sides are ………………..

(a) Unequal, Proportional

(b) Equal, disproportional

(c) Equal; proportional

(d) Unequal, disproportional.


Answer: (c) Equal; proportional


24.Basic Proportionality Theorem Also known as ……………..

(a) Thales Theorem

(b) Mid-Point Theorem

(c) Pythagoras Theorem

(d) None of Above


Answer: (a) Thales Theorem


25. A Boy of height 180 cm is walking away from the base of a Flag at a speed of 0.8 m/s. If the Flag is 3.6 m above the ground, find the length of his shadow after 10 seconds.

(a) 4.4m

(b) 8.0m

(c) 2.4m

(d) 1.4 m


Answer: (b) 8.0m



∠AEC = ∠BDC = 90°


Hence ∆ACE ~ ∆BCD

So, AE / BD = EC / DC

ED = Distance travelled by boy = speed X time = .8 X10 m =8m

EC / DC = AE / BD

{ED+DC} / DC = AE / BD

{8+DC} / DC = 3.6 / 1.8

8 +DC = 2DC

DC= 8m


MCQ Questions for Class 10 Maths

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