Place Value of Numbers | Definition & Examples | Maths Grade 4

Place value of Numbers

Place value of the digit , is the value of  digit in a given number , with reference to its position in a given  number. It is obtained as a  Product of the digit , and the value of its place in the digit (ones, tens, hundreds, thousandth).

Place Value of Numbers Examples

Example 1

Place value of 4 in 732548 is?


4 is in tens place.

Thus, the place value of 4 is 4 x 10 = 40


Example 2

Place value of 2 in 982764 is?


2 is in thousands place.

Thus, the place value of 2 is 2 x 1000 = 2000

Example 3

Place value of 5 in 742538 is?


5 is in hundreds place.

Thus, the place value of 5 is 5 x 100 = 500


Example 4

Place value of 8 in 863459 is?


8 is in lakhs place.

Thus, the place value of 8 is 8 x 100000 = 800000.

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