Mensuration Class 7 MCQ Questions

Mensuration Class 7 MCQ Questions with Answers Maths are covered in this Article. Mensuration Class 7 MCQ Test contains 25 questions. Answers to MCQs on Mensuration Class 7 are available at the end of the last question. These MCQ have been made for Class 7 students to help check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and application of your knowledge.

Mensuration Class 7 MCQ Questions with Answers

1.Find the area of rectangle in which:

length = 8 cm and breadth = 10 cm

(a) 56 cm2

(b) 64 cm2

(c) 80 cm2


Answer: (c) 80 cm2

Explanation: Given,

length = 8 cm

breadth = 10 cm

Area of rectangle = ( length x breadth ) cm2

= ( 8 x 10 ) cm2

= 80 cm2

Hence, the area of rectangle is 80 cm2


2.Find the area of a square plot of side 13 cm?

(a) 182 cm2

(b) 169 cm2

(c) 156 cm2


Answer: (b) 169 cm2

Explanation: Sides of square = 13cm

Area of square = ( side x side ) cm2

= ( 13 x 13 ) cm2

= 169 cm2

Hence, the area of square plot is 169 cm2


3.The area of a rectangle is 300 cm2 and its length is 25 cm. Find the perimeter of the rectangle?

(a) 74 cm

(b) 66 cm

(c) 60 cm


Answer: (a) 74 cm

Explanation: Given

Area = 300 cm2

length = 25 cm

Breadth of the rectangle = (area in cm2)/(Length in cm) = (300cm2/25cm) = 300cm/25 = 12 cm

Perimeter of the rectangle = 2 x ( l + b ) cm

= 2 x ( 25 + 12 ) cm

= ( 2 x 37 ) cm

= 74 cm

Hence, perimeter of the rectangle is 74 cm

4.If Each Diagonal of a Square is 34 cm long, find its Area?

(a) 528 cm2

(b) 608 cm2

(c) 578 cm2


Answer: (c) 578 cm2

Explanation: Given:

Diagonal of Square = 34 cm

We know that,

Diagonal of Square = ( √ 2 ) x Length of each side

34 cm = ( √ 2 ) x Length of each side

Length of each side = 34/√2 cm

Length of each side = 17√2 cm

We know that,

Area of Square = (Side)2

Area of Square = (17√2cm)2

Area of Square = 578cm2


5. If the Area of Square is 512 cm2, find the length of its diagonals?

(a) 30 cm

(b) 32 cm

(c) 36 cm


Answer: (b) 32 cm

Explanation: Given:

Area of Square = 512 cm2

We know that,

Area of Square = (Side)2


(Side)2= 512cm2

Taking square root on both sides

√(Side)2= √512cm2

Side = 16 √ 2 cm

Side of Square = 16 √2 cm

Diagonal of Square = √2 x Side of Square

Diagonal of Square = √2 x 16 √2 cm

Diagonal of Square 32 cm


Mensuration Class 7 MCQ Questions with Answers

6. If the length of a rectangle is 12 cm and the length of its diagonal is 20 cm, find the area of rectangle?

(a) 186 cm2

(b) 198 cm2

(c) 192 cm2


Answer: (c) 192cm2

Explanation: Given:

Length = 12 cm

Diagonal = 20 cm

We know that,

Diagonal of Rectangle = √(Length)2+(Breadth)2

20 cm = √(12cm)2+(Breadth)2

Squaring both sides,

(20cm)2 = (√(12cm)2+(Breadth)2)2





Breadth = 16 cm

Since, Breadth = 16 cm

and we know that,

Area of Rectangle = Length x Breadth

Area of Rectangle = 12 cm x 16 cm

Area of Rectangle = ( 12 x 16 ) cm2

Area of Rectangle = 192 cm2

Hence, Area of Rectangle is 192 cm2


7.If the breadth of the rectangle is 24 cm and the length of its diagonal is 25 cm, find the area of rectangle?

(a) 174 cm2

(b) 168 cm2

(c) 180 cm2


Answer: (b) 168 cm2

Explanation: Given:

Breadth = 24 cm

Diagonal = 25 cm

We know that,

Diagonal of Rectangle = √(Length)2+(Breadth)2

25 cm = √(Length)2+(24cm)2

Squaring both sides,





(Length)2 = 49cm2

Length = 7 cm

Since, Length = 7 cm

We know that,

Area of Rectangle = Length x Breadth

Area of Rectangle = 24 cm x 7 cm

Area of Rectangle = ( 24 x 7 ) cm2

Area of Rectangle = 168 cm2

Hence, Area of Rectangle is 168 cm2


8.If the length of the diagonals of Rhombus are 7 cm and 8 cm, then its Area is ?

(a) 33 cm2

(b) 23 cm2

(c) 28 cm2


Answer: (c) 28 cm2

Explanation: Given:

Length of Diagonals:

D1 = 7 cm

D2 = 8 cm

We know that,

Area of Rhombus = ( (1/2) x Product of Diagonals ) sq units

Area of Rhombus = ( (1/2) x 7 x 8 ) cm2

Area of Rhombus = 28 cm2

Hence, the Area of the Rhombus is 28 cm2


9.The Area of a Rhombus is 20 cm2. If one of its Diagonals is 5 cm, the length of the other diagonal is ?

(a) 4 cm

(b) 8 cm

(c) 12 cm


Answer: (b) 8 cm

Explanation: Given:

Area of Rhombus = 20 cm2

Length of one diagonal of Rhombus = 5 cm

Let the other diagonal of the given Rhombus be x cm

We know that,

Area of Rhombus = ( (1/2) x Product of Diagonals ) sq units.

20 cm2 = ( (1/2) x 5 cm x x )

x = (20×2)/5 cm

x = 8 cm

Hence, the length of the other Diagonal is 8 cm.

10.If one of the side of a Parallelogram is 6 cm and the distance of this side from the opposite side is 7 cm, the area of the Parallelogram would be ?

(a) 42 cm2

(b) 60 cm2

(c) 56 cm2


Answer: (a) 42 cm2

Explanation: Given:

Base = 6 cm

Height = 7 cm

We know that,

Area of Parallelogram = ( Base x Height ) sq units.

Area of Parallelogram = ( 6 x 7 ) cm2

Area of Parallelogram = 42 cm2

Hence, the Area of the Parallelogram is = 42 cm2


Mensuration Class 7 MCQ Questions with Answers

11.The height and base of a triangle is 11 m and 16 m respectively. Find the area of such Triangle ?

(a) 88 m2

(b) 83 m2

(c) 80 m2


Answer: (a) 88 m2

Explanation: Given:

Height = 11 m

Base = 16 m

We know that,

Area of Triangle = ( (1/2) x Base x Height ) sq unit.

Area of Triangle = ( (1/2) x 16 x 11 ) m2

Area of Triangle = 88 m2

Hence, Area of Triangle is 88 m2.


12.Each side of an Equilateral Triangle is 10√2 cm long. Its Area is ?

(a) 52 √3 cm2

(b) 54 √3 cm2

(c) 50 √3 cm2


Answer: (c) 50 √3 cm2

Explanation: Given:

Length of Each side of an Equilateral Triangle = 10√2 cm

We know that,

Area of an Equilateral Triangle = [√3×(Length of each side of an equilateral triangle)2]/(4) sq units.

= [√3×(10√2)2]/(4) cm2

= (√3×200)/(4) cm2

= 50 √3 cm2

Hence, the Area of an Equilateral Triangle is 50 √3 cm2


13.The Base and Area of a Triangle is 21 cm and 126 cm2. The Height of such Triangle would be?

(a) 16 cm

(b) 12 cm

(c) 8 cm


Answer: (b) 12 cm

Explanation: Given:

Base = 21 cm

Area = 126 cm2

Let the Height of the given Triangle be h cm

We know that,

Area of Triangle = ( (1/2) x Base x Height )

126 cm2 = ( (1/2) x 21 cm x h )

h = (126×2)/21 cm

h = 12 cm

Hence, the Height of the Triangle is 12 cm.


14.The Height and Area of a Triangle is 10 cm and 90cm2. The Base of such Triangle would be?

(a) 20 cm

(b) 16 cm

(c) 18 cm


Answer: (c) 18 cm

Explanation: Given:

Height = 10 cm

Area = 90 cm2

Let the Base of Triangle be b cm

We know that,

Area of Triangle = ( (1/2) x Base x Height )

90 cm2 = ( (1/2) x b x 10 cm )

b = (90×2)/10 cm

b = 18 cm

Hence, the Base of the Triangle would be 18 cm


15.If Base and Hypotenuse of Right Triangle is 3 cm and 5 cm, then its Area is ?

(a) 15 cm2

(b) 7.5 cm2

(c) 11.25 cm2


Answer: (b) 7.5 cm2

Explanation: Given:

Base = 3 cm

Hypotenuse = 5 cm

We know that,

Area of Right Triangle = (( 1/2) x Base x Hypotenuse ) cm2

Area of Right Triangle = ( (1/2) x 3 x 5 ) cm2

Area of Right Triangle = 7.5 cm2

Hence, Area of Right Triangle is 7.5 cm2


Mensuration Class 7 MCQ Questions with Answers

16.Find the circumference of a circle of radius 3.5 cm?

(a) 12 cm

(b) 22 cm

(c) 36 cm

(d) 40 cm


Answer: (b) 22 cm

Explanation: The radius of given circle is r = 3.5 cm

Circumference of the circle = 2πr

= ( 2 x (22/7)x 3.5 ) cm

= 22 cm

Hence, the circumference of the given circle is 22 cm


17.Find the circumference of a circle, whose diameter is 98 cm?

(a) 306 cm

(b) 308 cm

(c) 311 cm

(d) 312 cm


Answer: (b) 308 cm

Explanation: The diameter of given circle = 98 cm

Then, radius = Diameter2= 98/2cm = 49 cm

Circumference of circle = 2πr

= ( 2 x (22/7)x 49 ) cm

= 308 cm

Hence, the circumference of the given circle is 308 cm

18.Find the diameter of the circle whose circumference is 264 cm?

(a) 42 cm

(b) 82 cm

(c) 40 cm

(d) 84 cm


Answer: (d) 84 cm

Explanation: Let, the radius of the given circle be r cm

As we know that,

Circumference of the circle = 2πr cm


Circumference of a circle = 264 cm


2πr = 264 (from above)

r = (264)/2π

= (264×7)/(2×22)

= 42cm

Diameter of the circle = 2r

= (2 x 42)cm

= 84cm

Hence, the Diameter of the circle is 84 cm


19. Find the radius of the circle whose circumference is 616 cm?

(a) 100 cm

(b) 101 cm

(c) 96 cm

(d) 98 cm


Answer: (d) 98 cm

Explanation: Let, the radius of the given circle be r cm

As we know that,

Circumference of the circle = 2πr cm


Circumference of a circle = 616cm

2πr = 616 (from above)

r = (616)/2π

= (616×7)/(2×22)

= 98cm

Hence, the radius of the circle = 98cm


20.The diameter of a wheel of a car is 77 cm. Find the distance covered by the car during the time in which the wheel makes 1200 revolutions?

(a) 2.934 km

(b) 2.904 km

(c) 2.903 km

(d) 3.904 km


Answer: (b) 2.904 km

Explanation: Radius of the wheel = 77/2 cm = 38.5 cm

Circumference of the wheel = 2πr

= ( 2 x (22/7)x 38.5 ) cm

= 242 cm

= 2.42 m ( As we know that, 1 m = 100 cm )

Distance covered by wheel in 1 revolution = Circumference of the wheel

Distance covered by wheel in 1 revolution = 2.42 m

Distance covered by wheel in 1200 revolutions = ( 2.42 x 1200 ) m

= 2904 m

= 2.904 km ( As we know that, 1 m = 1000 km )

Hence, Distance covered by wheel in 1200 revolutions is 2.904 km


Mensuration Class 7 MCQ Questions with Answers

21.The ratio of the radii of two circles is 2 : 3. The ratio of their Circumference would be

(a) 3 : 4

(b) 2 : 3

(c) 4 : 5


Answer: (b) 2 : 3

Explanation: Let the Radii of the given Circles be 2R and 3R

and let their Circumference be C1 and C2

We know that,

Circumference of a Circle = 2πr


C1 = 2πr

C1 = 2 x π x 2R

C1 = 4πR

C2 = 2πr

C2 = 2 x π x 3R

C2 = 6πR

Ratio of Circumference of Circles = C1/C2

Ratio of Circumference of Circles = 4πR/6πR

Ratio of Circumference of Circles = 2 : 3

Hence, the Ratio of their Circumferences is 2 : 3


22.If the Radius of the Circle is 28 cm, then its Area is?

(a) 2464 cm2

(b) 176 cm2

(c) 2376 cm2


Answer: (a) 2464 cm2

Explanation: Radius = 28 cm

We know that,

Area of Circle = π x (Radius)2

( Since, π = (22/7) )

Area of Circle = (22/7) x (28cm)2

Area of Circle = ( (22/7) x 28 x 28 ) cm2

Area of Circle = 2464 cm2

23.If the Diameter of the Circle is 70 cm, then its Area is?

(a) 3826 cm2

(b) 3382 cm2

(c) 3850 cm2


Answer: (c) 3850 cm2

Explanation: Given:

Diameter = 70 cm

We know that,

Radius = Diameter/2

Radius = 70/2

Radius = 35 cm

Area of Circle = π x (Radius)2

( Since, π = (22/7) )

Area of Circle = (22/7) x (35cm)2

Area of Circle = ( (22/7) x 35 x 35 ) cm2

Area of Circle = 3850 cm2


24.The ratio of the radii of two circles is 5 : 3 then, the ratio of its Area is?

(a) 25 : 9

(b) 5 : 3

(c) 30 : 6


Answer: (a) 25 : 9

Explanation: Let the Radii of the given Circles be 5r and 3r

and let their Area be A1 and A2

We know that,

Area of a Circle = π x (Radius)2


A1 = π x (Radius)2

A1 = π x 5r x 5r

A1 = 25πr2

A2 = π x (Radius)2

A2 = π x 3r x 3r

A2 = 9πr2

Ratio of Area of Circles = A1/A2

= 25πr2/9πr2

= 25 : 9

Hence, the Ratio of their Circumferences is 25 : 9


25.If the Circumference of the Circle is 308 cm, then its Area is?

(a) 8186 cm

(b) 8626 cm

(c) 7546 cm


Answer: (c) 7546 cm

Explanation: Given:

Circumference of Circle = 308 cm

We know that,

Circumference of Circle = 2πr

Equating the two, we get

2πr = 308 cm

2 x (22/7) x r = 308 cm

r = (308×7)/(22×2) cm

r = 49 cm

We know that,

Area of Circle = ( π x (Radius)2) sq units

Area of Circle = (22/7) x (49)2 cm2

Area of Circle = ( (22/7) x 49 x 49 ) cm2

Area of Circle = 7546 cm2


MCQ Questions for Class 7 Maths with Answers

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