Divisibility Rules for 2, 3, 5, 10 – Examples | Maths

Divisibility Rule for 2 :-

A number is divisible by 2, if the digit at one’s place of that number is divisible by 2 or digit at ones place is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.

For Example

Question 1

Check whether 2142 is divisible by 2?


2 is at one’s place
and 2 is divisible by 2
So,2142 is also divisible by 2

Question 2

Check whether 3615 is divisible by 2?


5 is at one’s place
and 5 is not divisible by 2
So,3615 is not divisible by 2


Divisibility Rule for 3 :-

A number is divisible by 3,  if the sum of all the digits of the number is divisible by 3.

For Example

Question 1

Check whether 3762 is divisible by 3?


In, 3762
Sum of its digits = 3 + 7 + 6 + 2 = 18
and 18 is divisible by 3
So, 3762 is also divisible by 3

Question 2

Check whether 7546 is divisible by 3?


In, 7546
Sum of its digits = 7 + 5 + 4 + 6 = 22
and 22 is not divisible by 3
So, 7545 is not divisible by 3

Divisibility Rule for 5 :-

A number is divisible by 5 if the digit at ones place is either  “0” or” 5″.

For Example

Question 1

Check whether 12610 is divisible by 5?


In, 12610
0 is the digit at one’s place.
So, 12610 is divisible by 5

Question 2

Check whether 43526 is divisible by 5?


In, 43526
6 is the digit at one’s place.
So, 43526 is not divisible by 5

Divisibility Rule for 10 :-

A number is divisible by 10 if the digit at ones place is 0.

For Example

Question 1

Check whether 23920 is divisible by 10?


In, 23920
0 is at one’s place.
So, 23920 is divisible by 10

Question 2

Check whether 64834 is divisible by 10?


In, 64834
4 is at one’s place.
So, 64834 is not divisible by 10

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