Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Waste

Biodegradable Waste

These kind of waste products are broken down by the action of micro-organisms like Bacteria. This kind of waste decay and Decompose naturally and become harmless after some time. Biodegradable Waste Examples are Cattle Dung, Tea leaves, Wood, Grass, Fruit & Vegetables, Paper, Animal Bones.  These turn into compost after decaying and act as Natural Fertilizers.  They do not normally Pollute the Environment, but if present in a large quantity, those that cannot be Decomposed can pollute the Environment.

Non-Biodegradable Waste

These substances or type of waste material, (non-poisonous and harmless substances)cannot be broken down into a simpler form, they cannot be decomposed.  Non-Biodegradable waste examples are Plastics, Ball Point Pen Refill, Polythene Bags, Glass Objects, Aluminum Cans, Iron Nails, Foil paper, Radioactive waste, to name a few.

Non-Biodegradable wastes are the main Pollutants of the environment.  A harmful substance like D.D.T (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloromethane), used in spraying crops is passed down the food chain from plants to animals and can harm them.

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