Dividing Rational Numbers

In order to divide a Rational Number by another Rational Number
We have to multiply first Rational Number with Reciprocal of the second Rational Number.

Dividing Rational Numbers Examples

Example 1


9/7 ÷ 3/4


We have, 9/7 ÷ 3/4

In order to divide a Rational Number by another Rational Number

We have to multiply first Rational Number with Reciprocal of the second Rational Number.

We have 9/7 ÷ 3/4

(Reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3 )

So we can say that,

9/7 ÷ 3/4

= 9/7 x 4/3

To further simplify the given numbers into their lowest form, we would divide both the Numerator and Denominator by their HCF

HCF of 36 and 21 is 3

Dividing Rational Numbers Example 2


14/5 ÷ -6/12


We have, 14/5 ÷ 6/12

In order to divide a Rational Number by another Rational Number

We have to multiply first Rational Number with Reciprocal of the second Rational Number

Since, Reciprocal of -6/12 is 12/-6

We can write the given equation as 14/5 ÷ -6/12

= 14/5 x 12/-6

To make the Denominator positive, we would multiply 12 and -6 by -1

Given equation would now be 14/5 x -12/6

To further simplify the given numbers into their lowest form, we would divide both the Numerator and Denominator by their HCF

HCF of 168 and 30 is 6

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