NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 Introduction to Graphs

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 Introduction to Graphs, has been designed by the NCERT to test the knowledge of the student on the below topics.

  1. Linear Graphs
  2. Location of a point
  3. Coordinates

class 8 maths chapter 15 exercise 15.2 contains 4 questions and each question has explained stepwise. If you are class 8th student and currently preparing ex 15.2 then you must be looking for the maths class 8 chapter 14 exercise 15.2 solution for your exams preparation. Here we are providing complete solutions for class 8 maths exercise 15.2.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 – Introduction to Graphs

1. Plot the following points on a graph sheet. Verify if they lie on a line

a) A(4, 0), B(4, 2), C(4, 6), D(4, 2.5)


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 Question 1a

Yes, the points A, B, C and D lie on the same line.

b) P(1, 1), Q(2, 2), R(3, 3), S(4, 4)


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 Question 1b

Yes, the points P, Q, R and S lie on the same line.

c) K(2, 3), L(5, 3), M(5, 5), N(2, 5)


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 Question 1c

Hence, the points K, L, M and M are not lying on the same line.

2. Draw the line passing through (2, 3) and (3, 2). Find the coordinates of the points at which this line meets the x-axis and y-axis.


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 Question 2

The line meets x-axis at P(5,0) and y-axis at Q(0,5).

3. Write the coordinates of the vertices of each of these adjoining figures.


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 Question 3

The coordinates of the vertices of each of these adjoining figures
A(2, 0), B(2, 3), C(0, 3) and O(0, 0)
P(4, 3), Q(6, 1), R(6, 5) and S(4, 7)
K(10, 5), L(7, 7) and M(10, 8)

4. State whether True or False. Correct that are false.

i) A point whose x coordinate is zero and y-coordinate is non-zero will lie on the y-axis.
Sol.: – True.

ii) A point whose y coordinate is zero and x-coordinate is 5 will lie on y-axis.
Sol.: – False. As the point (5,0) will lie on x-axis.

iii) The coordinates of the origin are (0, 0).
Sol.: – True.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2

Download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 Introduction to Graphs

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