MCQ on Factors and Multiples for Class 4

MCQ on Factors and Multiples for Class 4 Maths are covered in this Article. Factors and Multiples for Class 4 MCQs Test contains 12 questions. Answers to MCQ on Factors and Multiples for Class 4 Maths are available at the end of the last question. These MCQ have been made for Class 4 students to help check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and application of your knowledge. For more MCQ’s, subscribe to our email list.

MCQ on Factors and Multiples for Class 4 Maths

1.) Determine whether 12 is the factor of 94? 

a) Yes 

b) No 

2.) Determine whether 11 is the factor of 99? 

a) Yes 

b) No

3.) Determine whether 35 is the multiple of 5? 

a) Yes 

b) No

4.) Determine whether 34 is the multiple of 4? 

a) Yes 

b) No

5.) Find the first four multiples of 8? 

a) 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 

b) 8 , 16 , 24 , 32

6.) Find the first two common multiples of 4 and 6? 

a) 12 and 24 

b) 6 and 12

7.) Check whether 9524 is divisible by 2?

a) Yes 

b) No 

8.) Check whether 1675 is divisible by 3? 

a) Yes 

b) No 

9.) Check whether 23531 is divisible by 5? 

a) Yes 

b) No 

10.) Check whether 35320 is divisible by 10? 

a) Yes 

b) No 

11.) Is 5 is a Prime number? 

a) Yes 

b) No

12.) Is 30 is a Composite number? 

a) Yes 

b) No 

MCQ on Factors and Multiples for Class 4 – Correct Answers

1.) b)No


The factors of a number are those numbers by which that number is completely divisible, with a remainder of 0 

When we divide 94 by 12  

i.e, 94 ÷ 12  

We get,  

Quotient = 7  

Remainder = 10  

Here we will see that the remainder is 10 because 94 is not exactly divisible by 12  

Hence, we can say that 12 is not the factor of 94. 

2.) a)Yes


The factors of a number are those numbers by which that number is completely divisible, with a remainder of 0 

When we divide 99 by 11  

i.e, 99 ÷ 11  

We get,  

Quotient = 9  

Remainder = 0  

Here we will see that the remainder is 0 because 99 is exactly divisible by 11  

Hence, we can say that 11 is the factor of 99.  

3.) a)Yes


If 35 is the multiple of 5, then the remainder is 0, when 35 is divided by 5 remainder should be equal to 0. 

When we divide 35 by 5  

i.e, 35 ÷ 5  

Quotient = 7  

Remainder = 0  

Here we will see that the remainder is 0  

Hence, we can say that 35 is the multiple of 5 

4.) b)No


If 34 is the multiple of 4, then the remainder is 0, when 34 is divided by 4 remainder should be equal to 0. 

When we divide 34 by 4  

i.e, 34 ÷ 4  

Quotient = 8  

Remainder = 2  

Here we will see that the remainder is 2  

Hence, we can say that 34 is not the multiple of 4

5.) b)8 , 16 , 24 , 32


The multiple of 8 will be as follows:  

8 x 1 = 8  

8 x 2 = 16  

8 x 3 = 24  

8 x 4 = 32  

Hence, 8, 16 , 24, and 32 are the first four multiples of 8

6.) a)12 and 24 


Common multiples are those multiple which are multiple of all the given numbers. 

Multiples of 4 are 4 , 8 , 12 , 16 , 20 , 24 , 28 , ……..  

Multiples of 6 are 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, ……..  

So, the first two common multiples are 12 and 24

MCQ on Factors and Multiples for Class 4

7.) a) Yes


A number is divisible by 2 if the digit at one’s place of that number is divisible by 2 or the digit at one’s place is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.  


4 is at one’s place  

and 4 is divisible by 2  

So,9524 is also divisible by 2

8.) b) No


A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of all the digits of the numbers is divisible by 3. 

In, 1675  

Sum of its digits = 1 + 6 + 7 + 5 = 19  

and 19 is not divisible by 3  

So, 1675 is not divisible by 3 

9.) b) No


A number is divisible by 5 if the digit at one’s place is either “0” or” 5″. 

In, 23531  

1 is the digit at one’s place.  

So, 23531 is not divisible by 5 

10.) a) Yes


A number is divisible by 10 if the digit at one’s place is 0. 

In, 35320  

0 is at one’s place.  

So, 35320 is divisible by 10

11.) a) Yes


A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself  In other words, we can say prime numbers don’t have any factor other than 1 and themselves. 

Factors of 5 are 5 x 1  

5 is not divisible by any other number, other than 1 and itself  

therefore, 5 is a Prime number.  

12.) a) Yes


Composite numbers are divisible by one or more numbers other than 1 and itself.  In other words, we can say that numbers having more than two factors are composite numbers.

Factors of 30 are 1 x 30 , 2 x 15 , 3 x 10, 5 x 6, 6 x 5, 10 x 3, 15 x 2 and 30 x 1

Factors of 30 are 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6, 10, 15 and 30 

Therefore, 30 has more than two factors.  

Hence, 30 is a Composite number. 

Worksheets for Class 4

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