CBSE Syllabus | NCERT Syllabus | Maths Class 4 NCERT Syllabus

Syllabus of Maths class 4

Shapes & Spatial Understanding

• Draws a circle free hand and with compass.
• Identifies centre, radius and diameter of a circle.
• Uses Tangrams to create different shapes.
• Tiles geometrical shapes: using one or two shapes.
• Chooses a tile among a given number of tiles that can tile a given region both intuitively and experimentally.
• Explores intuitively the area and perimeter of simple shapes.
• Makes 4-faced, 5-faced and 6- faced cubes from given nets especially designed for the same.
• Explores intuitively the reflections through inkblots, paper cutting and paper folding.
• Reads and draws 3-D objects, making use of the familiarity with the conventions used in this.
• Draws intuitively the plan, elevation and side view of simple objects.

Numbers and Operations

• Writes multiplication facts.
• Writes tables upto 10 × 10.
• Multiplies two and three digit numbers using lattice algorithm and the standard (column) algorithm.

• Divides a given number by another number in various ways such as:
– by drawing dots.
– by grouping.
– by using multiplication facts.
– by repeated subtraction.
• Applies the four operations to life situations.
• Frames word problems.
• Estimates sums, differences and products of given numbers.



• Adds and subtracts multiples of 10 and 100, mentally.
• Completes multiplication facts by adding partial products, mentally (e.g. 7 × 6 = 5 × 6 + 2 × 6).



• Identifies half, one fourth and three- fourths of a whole.
• Identifies the symbols, 1/2, 1/4, 3/4

• Explains the meaning of 1/2. 1/4, 3/4

• Appreciates equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2; and of 2/2, 3/3, 4/4 and 1.


• Converts Rupees to Paise.
• Adds and subtracts amounts using column addition and subtraction with regrouping.
• Uses operations to find totals, change, multiple costs and unit cost.
• Estimates roughly the totals and total cost.


• Relates metre with centimetre;
• Converts metre into centimetres and vice versa.

• Solves problems involving length and distances.
• Estimates length of an object and distance between two given locations.


• Weighs objects using a balance and standard units.
• Determines sums and differences of weights.
• Estimates the weight of an object and verifies using a balance.


• Measures volumes of given liquid using containers marked with standard units.
• Determines sums and differences of volumes.
• Estimates the volume of a liquid contained in a vessel and verifies by measuring.



• Computes the number of weeks in a year.
• Correlates the number of days in a year with the number of days in each month.
• Justifies the reason for the need of a leap year.
• Reads clock time to the nearest hours and minutes.
• Expresses time, using the terms, ‘a.m.’ and ‘p.m.’
• Estimates the duration of familiar events.
• Finds approximate time elapsed by (to the nearest hour) forward counting.
• Computes the number of days between two dates.



• Collects data and represents in the form of bar graphs;
• Draws Inferences by discussing with the teacher.



• Identifies patterns in multiplication and division: multiples of 9,
• Casts out nines from a given number to check if it is a multiple of nine.
• Multiplies and divides by 10s, 100s.
• Identifies geometrical patterns based on symmetry.

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