Heterotrophic Nutrition in Plants

Heterotrophic Nutrition in Plants

Heterotrophic Nutrition in Plants is applicable to those non-green plants , who cannot make food for themselves through photosynthesis . Such organisms, like non – green plants  take food from other green plants or animals. Such organisms are called heterotrophs and their mode of nutrition is called heterotrophic Nutrition in Plants.

Such non – green plants (like fungi (such as mushroom, yeast and bread mould))  do not have chlorophyll , and cannot carry out the process of  making food  . Such plants  have heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

Plants which have also heterotrophic modes of nutrition can be divided into two main groups:

  •  Parasites, and
  •  Saprophytes.

Heterotrophic modes of nutrition in Parasites

Non – green plants , which obtain   food from   living bodies of other plants or animals,  are called plant parasites .‘Host’ of the parasite is the living organism, from whose body food is obtained.

Example : – Cuscuta , which  is called Amarbel in Hindi, ,  does not have chlorophyll , and  it cannot synthesise its own food.


Non – green plants which obtain their food  from dead and decaying organic matter are called saprophytes.

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