Conversion of Measurement Units

Conversion of Measurement Units, deals with various concepts which are as under:-

  • Convert km to m (kilometres to metres)
  • Convert m to cm (metres to centimetres)
  • Convert cm to mm (centimetres to millimetres)
  • Convert m to km (metres to kilometres)
  • Convert cm to m (centimetres to metres)
  • Convert mm to cm (millimetres to centimetres)
  • Convert kg to g (kilograms to grams)
  • Convert g to kg (grams to kilograms)
  • Convert L to mL (litres to millilitres)
  • Convert mL to L (Millilitres to Litres)

Conversion of Measurement Units

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert km to m (kilometres to metres)

Example 1

4 km = ___ m


As we know that,
1 km = 1000 m
To find 4 km in m. We have to multiply both sides by 4
( 4 x 1 ) km = ( 4 x 1000 ) m
4 km = 4000 m

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert m to cm (metres to centimetres)

Example 2

5 m = ___ cm


As we know that,
1 m = 100 cm
To find 5 m in cm. We have to multiply both sides by 5
( 5 x 1 ) m = ( 5 x 100 ) cm
5 m = 500 cm

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert cm to mm (centimetres to millimetres)

Example 3

3 cm = ___ mm


As we know that,
1 cm = 10 mm
To find 3 cm in mm. We have to multiply both sides by 3
( 3 x 1 ) cm = ( 3 x 10 ) mm
3 cm = 30 mm

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert m to km (metres to kilometres)

Example 4

7000 m = ___ km


As we know that,
1 km = 1000 m
or 1000 m = 1km
1 m = 1/1000 km

To find 7000 m in km. We have to multiply both sides by 7000
( 7000 x 1 ) m = ( 7000 x 1/1000 )km

7000 m = 7 km

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert cm to m (centimetres to metres)

Example 5

1000 cm = ___ m


As we know that,

1 m = 100 cm
or 100 cm = 1m
1 cm = 1/100 m

To find 1000 cm in m. We have to multiply both sides by 1000
( 1000 x 1 ) cm = ( 1000 x 1/100 )m

1000 cm = 10 m

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert mm to cm (millimetres to centimetres)

Example 6

50 mm = ___ cm


As we know that,
1 cm = 10 mm
or 10 mm = 1cm
1 mm = 1/10 cm

To find 50 mm in cm. We have to multiply both sides by 50
( 50 x 1 ) mm = ( 50 x 1/10 )cm

50 mm = 5 cm

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert kg to g (kilograms to grams)

Example 7

13 kg = ___ g


As we know that,
1 kg = 1000 g
To find 13 kg in g. We have to multiply both sides by 13
( 13 x 1 ) kg = ( 13 x 1000 ) g
13 kg = 13000 g

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert g to kg (grams to kilograms)

Example 8

4000 g = ___ kg


As we know that,
1 kg = 1000 g
or 1000 g = 1kg
1 g = 1/1000 kg

To find 4000 g in kg. We have to multiply both sides by 4000
( 4000 x 1 ) g = ( 4000 x 1/1000 )kg

4000 g = 4 kg

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert L to mL (litres to millilitres)

Example 9

8 L = ___ mL


As we know that,
1 L = 1000 mL
To find 8 L in mL. We have to multiply both sides by 8
( 8 x 1 ) L = ( 8 x 1000 ) mL
8 L = 8000 mL

Conversion of Measurement Units – Convert mL to L (Millilitres to Litres)

Example 10

5000 mL = ___ L


As we know that,

1 L = 1000 mL
or 1000 mL = 1L
1 mL = 1/1000 L

To find 5000 mL in L. We have to multiply both sides by 5000
( 5000 x 1 ) mL = ( 5000 x 1/1000 )L

5000 mL = 5 L

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