Population Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Extra Questions and Answers covers various types i.e. Very short, Short and Long questions, related to the topic so as to help the students with their preparation by helping them do an in-depth study of the topic.
The chapter deals with the population of India, its characteristics and composition. The chapter begins with a description of population size and distribution. The following sections deal with the processes that affect the population, namely births, deaths, and migration. The chapter also deals with sex ratio, literacy and occupational structure of the population. The chapter ends with a description of the National Population Policy.
Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Extra Questions are Answered in detail by our team of experts which includes teachers and professionals. These solutions have been compiled in an easy to understand manner, keeping in mind, the perspective of strong, and weak students. We are providing NCERT Solutions for Class 9 all subjects which can be accessed by clicking here.
Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Extra Questions and Answers – Very Short Type Questions: [1-2 marks]
Ques.1: Which is the most populous state of India?
Ans.1: Uttar Pradesh
Ques.2: Name the states which account for half of India’s population.
Ans.2: Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.
Ques.3: Which is the largest state of India?
Ans.3: Rajasthan
Ques.4: Define population density. What is the population density of India?
Ans.4: The number of persons per unit area is the population density. The population density of India according to the 2011 Census is 382 persons per sq. km.
Ques.5: Name the states with highest and lowest population densities in India.
Ans.5: The state of India having the highest population density is Bihar and the state with the lowest population density is Arunachal Pradesh.
Ques.6: Despite low population growth, the overall increase in the population is high. Why?
Ans.6: The overall increase in the population in India is still high, despite low population growth. It is because when even a low population growth rate is applied to a large population, the addition to the existing population is much higher.
Ques.7: Name states and Union Territories with favourable and unfavourable sex ratios.
Ans.7: The states and Union Territories having favourable sex ratio are Kerala and Puducherry while Delhi and Haryana have unfavourable sex ratios.
Ques.8: Define sex ratio. Why is it an important social indicator?
Ans.8: The number of females per 1000 males in a population is referred to as the sex ratio. The sex ratio of any country is an important social indicator as it facilitates to gauge the extent of equality between males and females in society.
Ques.9: Define literacy.
Ans.9: A person of age 7 years and above who can read and write with understanding in any language is a literate person.
Ques.10: The majority of Indian population is engaged in _______ activities.
Ans.10: primary
Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Extra Questions and Answers – Short Answer Type Questions: 2-4 Marks
Ques.1: Discuss the population densities across different states in India.
Ans.1: The population densities in India can be divided into three major groups. These are:
a) The states having population densities more than 500 persons per sq. km are the states with high population density. These include Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal among others. These states lie in the Northern plains and thus have fertile lands, supporting large populations.
b) The areas like Peninsular Plateau and Assam have moderate population densities. The population densities in these areas are influenced by less fertility in soils and moderate rainfall.
c) The areas with extreme climatic conditions and rugged terrains have population densities less than 250 persons per sq. km. For example, hot and cold deserts and mountainous regions.
Ques.2: Define push and pull factors of population.
Ans.2: The factors that drive the people to leave a place and push them to migrate to other areas are the push factors. These include adverse condition like low employment, poverty, adverse climatic conditions, social and political unrest, etc.
The factors that attract the populations from other areas to come and settle in the area are the pull factors of migration. These include employment opportunities, moderate climatic conditions, social and political stability, etc.
Ques.3: Despite considerable achievements, the situation of health is of major concern for India. Explain.
Ans.3: The health sector in India has made considerable achievements like improvements in public health, the application of modern technology in medical services, etc. However, the situation of the health sector is still of concern in India as the per calorie consumption is low and a large percentage of the population is suffering from malnutrition. The basic amenities of clean drinking water and sanitation are accessible to only one-third of the population. Hence, the health sector of the nation still has a long way to go.
Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Extra Questions and Answers – Long Answer Type Questions: 4-6 Marks
Ques.1: Which processes determine the change in population?
Ans.1: The processes that determine the change in population are:
a) Birth rate: The number of live births per thousand of the population in a year is known as the birth rate. If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the overall increase in the population is high. Birth rates in India have always been higher than death rates.
b) Death rate: The number of deaths per thousand of the population in a year is known as the death rate. India has witnessed a decline in death rates since along with birth rates since 1981, owing to increased awareness and better medical facilities.
c) Migration: The movement of people from one place o another is known as migration. People can migrate both internally and internationally. Internal migration influences the population composition while international composition changes both the composition as well as the population size. Internally, people generally migrate from rural to urban areas. Push and pull factors of migration cause this movement.
Ques.2: Define age composition. What are the different categories?
Ans.2: The number of people in different age groups in a country is known as the age composition. A person’s age is an important determinant of his demands and activities. The broad categories that have been divided based on the population of a country are:
a) Children (below 15 years): This category has been termed as economically unproductive as they do not earn money or are engaged in any economic activities. They are needed to be provided with food, education, clothing and medical care.’
b) Working-age (15-59 years): This category is economically productive and biologically reproductive. They are engaged in earning and other economic activities.
c) Aged (above 59 years): This category can be economically productive if they are working voluntarily. However, they cannot be recruited for employment.
The category of children and ages is often termed as the dependent population as they are dependent on the working population to fulfil their needs.
Ques.3: Give an account of the adolescent population in India. Discuss the NPP for adolescents.
Ans.3: Adolescent is the population that belongs to the age group of 10 to 19 years. They account for one-fifth of the total population of India. Their major requirement includes proper nutrient intake, which is highly deficit in India. The available diet gives these adolescents inadequate nutrients as a result of which, a large number of adolescent girls in India suffer from anaemia. Steps have been taken by the government to create awareness and educate the adolescent population regarding these issues.
National Population Policy of 2000 has included adolescents as a major section of the population to heed to. The policy also takes into account other important needs of the adolescent population like protection from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Other areas of attention include delayed marriage and child-bearing, providing contraceptives for free and making them accessible, providing sex education including the risks of unprotected sex, prevention of child marriage, and also providing nutritional services.
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