Numerator and Denominator

Numerator and Denominator

Numerator is the upper part (Number on Top) of the Fraction.
Numerator represents the required number of parts.

Denominator is the lower number ( Number at Bottom) of the Fraction.
Denominator represents the total number of parts.

Write down the Numerator and Denominator of the following Fractions:

Question 1 – Finding Numerator and Denominator



Numerator is the upper part (Number on Top) of the Fraction
So, the Numerator of 4/3 is 4
Denominator is the lower number ( Number at Bottom) of the Fraction
So, the Denominator of 4/3 is 3

Question 2 – Finding Numerator and Denominator



Numerator is the upper part (Number on Top) of the Fraction
So, the Numerator of 6/7 is 6
Denominator is the lower number ( Number at Bottom) of the Fraction
So, the Denominator of 6/7 is 7


Question 3 – Finding Numerator and Denominator



Numerator is the upper part (Number on Top) of the Fraction
So, the Numerator of 11/8 is 11
Denominator is the lower number ( Number at Bottom) of the Fraction
So, the Denominator of 11/8 is 8

Question 4 – Finding Numerator and Denominator



Numerator is the upper part (Number on Top) of the Fraction
So, the Numerator of 8/5 is 8
Denominator is the lower number ( Number at Bottom) of the Fraction
So, the Denominator of 8/5 is 5

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